Clicking on the one that needs to be harvest can be hit or miss.
I have probably thirty plants close to each other, plus decor, plus deer and birds. By the way, I have one niggling complaint about the game, a very small one. Many many flower/fruit bushes/plants and fruit trees. Now, it’s about an hour, but that’s because I have so many resources to gather. In the beginning, I spent a few hours a day just wandering around and fishing endlessly. Though, this game can be hundreds of hours, it’s not open world and it’s not meant to be played for hours on end. Not everything needs to be open world and hundreds of hours. It knows what it wants to be and is more than happy to do exactly that. There’s something charming about a game that isn’t trying to be massive, grim, and gritty. I mentioned before that once I could wrap my head around the fact that the game was very much about taking it in little chunks and not mainlining it as I would most games, my frustration just melted away. Cozy Grove is like slipping on a pair of fuzzy slippers, sitting on an overstuffed couch under a fluffy duvet and sipping a cup of raspberry tea. These are the two games that I play every day and they could not be more different. First, some more talk about Cozy Grove and BoI: Repentance. The Sinew Slicer might seem far weaker than your basic sword, but once it stacks 4+ charges of bleeding, enemy health bars just melt away.Here we go! Part four of WWDTAOL: vidya gaemz! Here’s part three. DPS is great, but what you really want is to stack as many status effects on your enemies as possible. The Sinew Slicer will always stack bleed, while later Double Crossb-o-matics will usually involve poison or burning in some way. There are three status effects I focus on - bleed, poison, and burning. You don’t even have to fight most enemies, the turrets will do all the work for you. Arguably, using turrets is the safest method to victory. They’re easy to deploy, can block enemy attacks / projectiles, and stack status effects extremely quickly. There are lots of different traps, but I like to keep at least one or two Double Crossb-o-matics or a Sinew Slicer. They’re also incredibly powerful if you get the right status effects and upgrades.

They’re a safe, simple weapon type that keeps you far away from danger. Typically, I focus on Tactics and only use purple-weapons. They aren’t the end-all best strategy, but they’ve been a killer combo for me. Equip items that match your highest skill and you’ll be killing enemies fast. The more damage you do, the faster you’ll kill enemies, and the less time you’ll be in danger. Essentially, you’ll always want to boost your damage over increasing health. The more you level up, the less health you’ll get - but the +15% damage boost stays solid, no matter how often you level up. Leveling up skills also gives you a permanent max health upgrade. That’s a huge boost, especially once you hit the double digits. Every time you level up a skill, that skill’s power will increase by +15%. Whatever the type, you’ll want to select a primary skill and stick with it. While hunting Skill Scrolls, you’ll find different types of scrolls - some give you the option to choose any of the three skills. Search every biome carefully, and grab everything you can. They’re tough, but there’s a high chance they’ll drop a useful item. Attack or enter a room, and the Elite Enemy will attack. Elite Enemies are in rooms with giant stone runes, or they’re strange enemies covered in black gunk. Here are my 10 tips.Įvery biome has three things you want to look out for - skill scrolls, treasure chests, and elite enemies. But, if you bring the right built, and make the right choices, you’ll crush the Hand of the King. That’s when you’re bound to start hitting real resistance.

Your weapons are strong, and things only get really difficult in High Peak Castle, the last biome. Compared to the likes of Spelunky or even early Enter the Gungeon, this game is a breeze, even if it takes 40+ minutes to complete a single run. Let’s get this out of the way - Dead Cells is hard, but it isn’t too hard. Actually earning your first victory is a real challenge, and because I’ve just finished my first cycle, I’m here to share some of my insights. As a blob of mysterious goo, fighting through an ever-changing island filled with monsters and giant bosses, you really don’t stand much of a chance in the early hours of Dead Cells- a new ‘metroidvania’ rogue-lite that’s all about tightly navigating randomly-generated dungeons.